Urinary Incontinence Calculator for Women

Urinary Incontinence Calculator for Women


Urinary Incontinence Calculator for Women will calculate a severity score based on the user’s input and provide a recommendation based on the score. The severity score is calculated using a formula that takes into account the user’s age, weight, frequency of incontinence, type of incontinence, and medical history. The recommendation is then displayed on the screen based on the score.

How does the urinary incontinence calculator for women work?

The user must enter their age, weight, frequency of incontinence, type of incontinence, and medical history in order for the urinary incontinence calculator for women to function.

Based on this data, a formula developed by the calculator creates a severity score that takes into account the user’s age, weight, frequency, type, and medical history. The severity score serves as a gauge of the user’s incontinence risk.

Following the calculation of the severity score, the calculator offers advice on whether the user should see a doctor or engage in pelvic floor exercises to treat the condition. A low, moderate, or high risk of urinary incontinence can be indicated by the recommendation, which is based on the severity score.

Urinary Incontinence Calculator for Women Features:

  • Age input field
  • Weight input field
  • Frequency of incontinence radio buttons (never, sometimes, often)
  • Type of incontinence radio buttons (stress, urge, mixed)
  • Medical history checkbox (yes or no)
  • Calculate button to generate severity score and recommendation
  • Responsive design for use on desktop and mobile devices.

When to consult for treatment for Urinary Incontinence Problem?

It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional if you are experiencing urinary incontinence. Here are some situations when you should consider seeking treatment:

  • If you are experiencing frequent or severe leaks that are affecting your daily life and activities.
  • If you are experiencing pain or discomfort during urination, or if you have noticed blood in your urine.
  • If you are experiencing a sudden or strong urge to urinate, or if you are having trouble starting or stopping your urine stream.
  • If you have recently undergone surgery, given birth, or experienced any other significant event that may have contributed to your urinary incontinence.
  • If you are experiencing additional symptoms, such as pelvic pain, constipation, or recurrent urinary tract infections.

In general, if you are concerned about your urinary incontinence, it is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help diagnose the underlying cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment options, which may include lifestyle changes, pelvic floor exercises, medications, or in some cases, surgery.

Note: This urinary incontinence calculator for women is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the diagnosis of a medical expert.